[Syd's Kick Ass Recruits]

Wow! I came over to feel happier about Sydney. :lol: I just came from the anti-syd thread and they have some good points. :angry: I just checked the members list for this group an noticed I was in it! So what's up with the deleting thing? Does that include me? :( *is confused*
you guys are definatly not late! I have to set more time into this and get a new one started for people that actually want to do missions and get a new list going! Give me a few more days because ReedCordial and the founder seemed to have failed us on this.
Is this still open? If so sign me up ASAP!!

I do have to admit that I'm alittle confused on how it works... assuming its still running can i get more info?

Oh im so excited!! I really hope im not too late!!!!